Bring your family and friends on a quite, gentle ride across the bar 3 nautical miles from the beach and give your loved one a dignified burial at sea in Wilmington NC . When scattering, a single person may release the ashes into the water or several people may be involved (e.g. parents, siblings, children, etc.) and each scatter a portion of the ashes. Sometimes the entire group participates. Some people also choose to toss flowers or rose petals into the water during the service.
The Wild Rover III is a 52 foot Sportfishing Boat with Air Conditioning and a full bathroom. We will strive to make service a serene, dignified event. If you have any questions feel free to call us 910-264-3973
*All Prices are CASH. +3% for Debit or Credit Cards. NO FUEL SURCHARGE!
Serving the Wilmington NC, Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, Southport and Greater Cape Fear Area.